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The Power of Strategic Storytelling

1. Walter, N., Murphy, S. T., & Rosenthal, E. L. (2018). Narrative persuasion in a new media environment: The impact of binge-watching and second-screening. Communication Research Reports, 35, 402-412.

2. Walter, N., Demetriades, S. Z., Murphy, S. T. (2019). Just a spoonful of sugar helps the messages go down: Using stories and vicarious self-affirmation to reduce e-cigarette use. Health Communication, 34, 352-360.

3. Walter, N., Saucier, C. J., & Murphy, S. T. (2019). Increasing receptivity to messages about E-cigarette risk using vicarious-affirmation. Journal of Health Communication, 24(3), 226-235.

4. Walter, N., Bilandzic, H., Schwarz, N., & Brooks, J. J. (2020). Metacognitive approach to narrative persuasion: The desirable and undesirable consequences of narrative disfluency. Media Psychology.

5. Walter, N.,& Cohen, J. (2019). When less is more and more is less: The paradoxical metacognitive effects of counterarguing. Communication Monographs, 86(3), 377-397. doi:10.1080/03637751.2019.1580378

Misinformation and its Correction

1. Walter, N., & Salovich, N. (in press). Unchecked vs. uncheckable: How opinion-based claims can impede correction of misinformation. Mass Communication & Society.

2. Walter, N., Brooks, J. J., Saucier, C. J., & Suresh, S. (2020). Evaluating the impact of attempts to correct health misinformation on social media: A meta-analysis. Health Communication.

3. Walter, N.,& Tukachinsky, R. (2020). A meta-analytic examination of the continued influence of misinformation in the face of correction: How powerful is it, why does it happen, and how to stop it. Communication Research, 47(2), 155-177.

4. Walter, N., Cohen, J., Holbert, L., & Morag, J. (2020). Fact-checking: A meta-analysis of what works and for whom. Political Communication, 37(3), 350-375.

5. Walter, N., Ball-Rokeach, S. J., Xu, Y., & Broad, G. M. (2018). Communication ecologies: Analyzing adoption of false beliefs in an information-rich environment. Science Communication, 40, 650-668. doi:10.1177/1075547018793427

6. Walter, N., & Murphy, S. T. (2018). How to unring the bell: A meta-analytic approach to correction of misinformation. Communication Monographs, 85, 423-443. doi:10.1080/03637751.2018.1467564

Emotion and Affect in Social Influence

1. Walter, N., Demetriades, S. Z., & Nabi, R. (2020). Seeing red through rose-colored glasses: Subjective hope as a moderator of the persuasive influence of anger. Journal of Communication.

2. Tukachinsky, R., Walter, N., & Saucier, C. J. (2020). Antecedents and Effects of Parasocial relationships: A Meta-Analysis. Journal of Communication.

3. Brooks, J. J., & Walter, N. (2020). Cognitive functional model of the effects of discrete negative emotions. In J. Van den Bulck (Ed.) The international encyclopedia of media psychology. Wiley-Blackwell.

4. Nabi, R., Walter, N., Oshidary, N., Endacott, C. G., Lew, Z., Aune, A., & Love-Nichols, J. (2020). Can emotions capture the elusive gain/loss framing effect? A meta-analysis. Communication Research, 47(8), 1107-1130.

5. Walter, N., Tukachinsky, R., Pelled, A., & Nabi, R. (2018). Meta-analysis of anger and persuasion: An empirical integration of four models. Journal of Communication, 69, 73- 93. doi:10.1093/joc/jqy054

6. Sereno, K., Walter, N., & Brooks, J. J. (2020). Rethinking student participation in the college classroom: Can commitment and self-affirmation enhance oral participation? Journal of Applied Social Psychology, 50(6), 351-362.

7. Walter, N., Cody, M. J., Xu, L. Z., & Murphy, S. T. (2018). A Priest, a Rabbi, and a Minister walk into a bar: A meta-analysis of humor effects. Human Communication Research, 44, 343-373. doi:10.1093/hcr/hqy005